Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In a new light♫ By Katarina

Look what i found today [[try to ignore my AWFUL nails :P ]],  as i was about to step on it :D its a Star shaped pencil shaving :D Aint it swell?? ^.^
hehe! its Amazing what u find when you're not looking ^.^ Teehee!

You ever had that moment where, something that was a COMPLETE blur to you...suddenly cleared up and it all made sense?
Well...welcome to my day.
Today I finally saw some people for who, and what they are. And i realized... that... its not MY place [[or right]] to change them.
I saw friends for the posers they really are.
I saw confident people for the small insecure little children they really are.
I saw beautiful people as the sluts and whores they really are.
I saw friends as the kiss ups and idiots they really are.
I saw the mean kid be compassionate.
I saw the meek overcome the great for a moment
I saw..people in a new light.

And once i figured out these things...I thought to myself..
Oh well:)
Not my business:)
Its theirs.
It only becomes mine when they shove theirs into it:)
But UNTIL THEN...all i can just step aside, and carry on walking down my path, set for me. And stop worrying so much about think :)

Alright:) today's life lesson OVER
Gosh! xD

Oh gosh! isn't that smilie just ADORABLE?? :D
hehe! I found it the other day and fell in LOVE with it :)
It also kinda fits my mood.....Melowwwwwww ♫ ^.^

I  had yoga today:) lol
I know i knowwwww, yall think its C R A P. Spells YOU LOOSER xD
but actually, its quite calming:) and QUITE healthy for the mind, body AND soul:) ..Just like Smiles ^.^ Teehee!
ALSO... its good to calm those mini-heart attacks you get who you see a GORGEOUS boy;)
Well thanks for reading:)
May you NOT run into any poles in the nearby future :D wouldn't want to end up like Bob would you?? ^.^
Oh....yeah Bob walked into a pole one day....and hurt..soo yah..don't walk into one O.o
Hahaha Adios:)

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